What you should never do when taking care of your skin

Showing off healthy, beautiful, silky, hydrated skin that is free of  blemishes and redness is not just a matter of genetics. The care we give also has a lot to say about it. And it is that, on the one hand, there is what we should do and on the other, the mistakes that we should never make in the care of our skin, we analyze them one by one!

Beauty care, what should you NOT do to your skin?

Not everything goes when it comes to taking care of our skin, in fact, there are a series of things that, whether due to ignorance, lack of time or laziness, we sometimes do and that really do not do our skin any good. Knowing these habits will be the first step to putting them aside. Now it will be much easier to show off perfect skin! Let’s see what are the most common mistakes in skin and that most harm your health.

1 Constantly touching your face 

How many times would you say that you touch your face at the end of the day? Surely many more than you think. You have to know that the hands can be transmitters of germs and other agents that can aggravate redness and other imperfections. So, either you are aware of leaving your hands on the table, or you wash those more frequently if possible.

2 Go to bed without removing make-up

If you want to show off oxygenated and silky-looking skin, never go to bed without removing, even if it’s very late or if you’re exhausted. The cosmetics that you can find on the market today offer you varied textures in gels, creams, cleansing milk, wet wipes… so that you can choose the most suitable product for you, there is no need to be lazy!

3 Do not clean the skin or moisturize it

The success of any beauty treatment begins with cleansing the skin and moisturizing it. Without these steps, there will be no success in the treatments. The secret here is to apply suitable products for each skin type.

4 Do facial cleaning in the hands of non-professionals

It is important that you do Every time you touch it depending on the characteristics of your skin, more or less, a couple of times a year, to leave it free of blackheads and give your face an impeccable appearance. The mistake would be in not doing this cleaning or in doing it by non-professionals, which does not mean that you have to spend a lot of money, there are very cheap quality centers, it is just a matter of searching a little.

5 Do not use night cream

During the night the skin does not rest, on the contrary, it works intensely to repair everything it has worn out throughout the day. At night it is more receptive to treatments, more permeable, the assets penetrate and are absorbed more easily. Ideally, you should look for a product that repairs both damaged DNA and the hydrolipidic layer that protects us.

6 Use the same day cream as night 

It’s not that it’s bad, but it’s not the best for your skin either since the formulation of day. The former contains sun filters, light-reflecting particles, and moisturizing properties that improve makeup finish, while the latter deal with more specific aspects such as cell renewal activators.

7 Constantly changing products 

If you have found a quality one that suits you, keep it! Applying many or different active ingredients can tire your skin and dilate the pores or even create sensitivity due to so much mix of active ingredients. In addition, it is necessary to be consistent in order to see the immediate and long-term effects of a product.

More mistakes that it is better to put aside as soon as possible in the care of your skin

As you can see, taking care of your skin is not as complicated as it deserves, you just have to pay a little attention, know what not to do, be constant and put laziness aside. You sign up?

Using low quality creams

As with the issue of cleaning, it is not necessary to spend a lot of money on creams, but do not go for the cheapest either since it can be synonymous with low quality. Read the label and the ingredients well and it will be much easier for you to make your choice.

Choosing cosmetics that do not meet the needs of your skin 

What works for your best friend doesn’t have to be the best for you. Neither is that cream that they promote on social media. It costs, but you should not get carried away by popular opinion, it is better to pay attention to the needs of each one’s skin, conscious beauty, and choose based on these.

Squeeze the grains 

Dermatologists advise against squeezing pimples since, if not done correctly, they could become infected. If you have acne, opt for proper cleaning, as well as the correct treatment. Light creams that absorb quickly are recommended, with glycolic acid, salicylic acid, lacto bionic acid… If it’s just an untimely pimple, it’s better to cover it with a little makeup and then wash your face well when you get home. There are effective rolls in the pharmacy with antibiotic for pimples and blackheads, to treat a localized area, and ointments with benzoyl peroxide. But these pharmacological active ingredients dry out the skin a lot. Oil-free sunscreen is also important to prevent subsequent marks and spots caused by the sun.

Use the same cream for all skin 

The serum, the eye contour, the anti-aging cream… each one has its function. Therefore, you should not use the same for the entire face. Only the moisturizing cream is the one that you can put on all your skin, unless it indicates that the serum is for the whole face, a multi-use serum. This is the trend, to simplify beauty routines.

Choosing cosmetics without sun protection

Do you know that this is the most common mistake at twenty? Dermatologists tell us hundreds of times: the damages the skin, in summer and also the rest of the year, what’s more, it has been shown that there is a direct relationship between excessive sun exposure and premature aging. That is why it is recommended to use a moisturizer with sunscreen every day.

Not following the proper order

In this case the order of the factors does alter the product. First we remove make-up, cleanse and apply the creams in the proper order: toner, eye contour, serum and moisturizer. If it were for the day, we clean the face well; apply the cream and then the makeup.

Follow bad habits

You must bear in mind that the skin is cared for outside and inside. For this reason, habits such as smoking, sleeping less than 8 hours in a row, as well as stress, a fast pace of life or excessive consumption of processed foods, high in sugar or salt, can make your skin look dull no matter how much you insist on using the best creams on the market.

Not storing the products in a proper place

Last but not least mistake: saving cosmetics in the wrong place. It is necessary that you put them in a closet or toiletry bag away from heat, light and humidity. Otherwise they could be damaged depending on the component, vitamin C, for example, oxidizes in the light.

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