To prevent the appearance of wrinkles, start by properly hydrating your skin.

The increase in demand, by today’s society, for new formulas to maintain and preserve a youthful appearance requires research and development of innovative technologies and aesthetic treatments.

The practice of continuous exercise and a balanced diet are essential to maintain it but, according to the results obtained from a European survey promoted by Allergan, adequate skin hydration is a key measure of anti-aging frequently forgotten.

The objective of the survey, carried out in the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy and Spain, has been to obtain a vision of the understanding, attitudes and behavior of women and men regarding skin hydration and the role that This plays in the anti-aging process.

Having healthy skin means having it hydrated

  1. The survey, completed by more than 11,000 people (approximately 50% men and 50% women) and aged between 21 and 59 years -2,004 respondents in Spain-, reveals that 95% of Europeans are not aware that dehydration of the skin is equivalent to the proliferation of wrinkles.
  2. The definition of ‘healthy skin’ is another point on which respondents differ. For Germans (64%), British (57%) and Italians (52%) it is skin without blemishes or redness, while for the French (59%) it is one that looks radiant and luminous, for the Spanish, on the other hand, (55%) is one that has a smooth appearance.
  3. The results reveal the consensus that to have healthy skin it is important to keep it hydrated. However, over 45% of men and 41% of women admit they don’t fully understand what ‘hydrated skin’ means. The Italians (23%) are the European respondents who show the greatest consideration towards deep hydration treatments (injectable treatments), followed by the Germans (22%).

Spaniards do not know the real state of their skin

  • For Spaniards, wrinkles are the main cause of concern (27% of the population) when skin ages. In addition, it is in summer when the greatest concern for the skin is manifested (35%).
  • To keep skin hydrated, 70% use creams, lotions or moisturizers, 61% drink more water and 19% use special creams for dehydrated skin. According to research, 34% of men and women are considering cosmetic surgery or an injectable deep moisturizing treatment. However, only 2% admit to having undergone a similar intervention.

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