Start preparing your skin for summer

Summer is just around the corner and surely you are already looking forward to putting your bikini and showing off your body in the sun, but… Have you started to prepare your skin for the excesses that are coming or are you going to do like every year? And leave it for the last moment, when it is already too late?Don’t wait a minute and get down to work. Start taking care of your skin so that it recovers from the attacks of the cold winter and is ready to face the small solar excesses that you like to commit so much and that can do so much damage if you do not take the appropriate measures.

We propose a detoxifying therapy that will ensure that, in just a few weeks, your skin recovers the luminosity and radiance it so badly needs. You must memorize this routine, since it is imperative that you be disciplined if you want to achieve your goals.

It is about three simple steps that are essential for both the face and the body: Purify, illuminate and balance.

Let’s start with the face

1– Purify: As you already know, your beauty routine should always start with a good cleaning that prepares your epidermis to optimally assimilate any treatment. Once the skin is freed from impurities and toxins, it will be more receptive. For this reason, you should apply a suitable cleanser for your skin type twice a day: in the morning, to prepare the skin, and at night, to remove the dirt that has been punishing your face throughout the day. Right after taking this essential step, you should apply a cream or balm that hydrates, softens, and tightens your pores.

2– Illuminate: It is essential that, at least once a week, you complement your cleansing ritual with an exfoliating or clay mask that will be in charge of freeing your skin from dead cells and illuminating it.

3– Balance: To end the day, apply a balancing aroma after your usual cream or balm. The aromas of essential oils will not only help you eliminate toxins and tone your epidermis, but will also optimize your daily treatments.

Go for the body!

The body is usually one of the great neglected of winter. By not showing it as much as the face, we barely pamper it. We forget that it needs exactly the same care as the face. Do not forget to apply some extra care in it the weeks before summer. Only in this way will you be the envy of all your friends when you put on your new bikini.

1– Purify: Apply a repairing gel in the shower to tone your body. Essential oils in the shower are also a good alternative, especially if you tend to get annoying and unsightly stretch marks when you change your weight.

2– Illuminate Delano Paris. : Once a week, complement your daily cleansing routine with a good scrub that removes impurities from your skin and gives it a soft and smooth appearance. In this way, you will get rid of dead cells and moisturizing and anti-cellulite treatments will penetrate your skin more easily and will be more effective.

3– Balance: When you get out of the shower, you should apply your usual cream, either moisturizing or anti-cellulite. You can complement it with essential oils that, in addition to providing you with a delicious aroma, will enhance the effects of the rest of your body treatments.

Some products that will help you have impeccable skin for the summer are those that the firm has launched Its Detox formula is designed to restore luminosity to your complexion, and its body range will provide you with a pleasant sensation while toning your epidermis for the summer season.

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