Natural cosmetics look beautiful without harming the environment

Natural cosmetics is one that is made from natural ingredients and only contains synthetic ingredients for preservation. These types of products are also respectful of the environment and are not tested on animals, a practice denounced by ecological associations such as Greenpeace or animal naturalis.

There are many brands that are converting to eco fashion. In addition, not only cosmetic firms are betting on this trend, more and more women are betting on the tricks of a lifetime, egg masks, cucumber, vinegar for hair and all those tricks that our mothers and grandmothers used years ago.

Benefits of natural cosmetics

  1. Some associations such as Anima Naturalis have developed lists to list ecofriendly or environmentally friendly brands and therefore not tested on animals. Among them we can find Bother, Clinique, Keno, Kiki, Sephora, among many others. Beauty and ethics are not mutually exclusive.
  2. Natural cosmetics are respectful with the environment and with the skin. Some celebrities like Miranda Kerr are faithful followers of this trend. The Australian model is the founder of the Koran cosmetics brand, whose essential ingredient is Noni juice, a fruit that grows in Tahiti. Orlando Bloom’s wife has been drinking its juice since she was a teenager and uses its pulp to relieve acne or burns.

Ecological beauty tips

  • Celebrities flee from chemical products to take care of their face and body and that is why Cindy Crawford covers her face with a homemade mask made up of one part of water and another of cow’s milk. The model affirms that it is the best remedy against dry skin. Care at a very low cost and above all compatible with respect for nature.
  • The legendary actress Jane Fonda uses warm tea bags to combat the bags that form unsightly dark circles. The Hollywood myth says that it is enough to place the bags between 10 and 15 minutes three nights a week. Paul Newman instead used ice cubes for the same purpose; he applied them under his eyes every morning as a roll on.

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