Is it possible to use the body cream for the face?

You may have ever wondered if body cream can be used for the face. The answer? Yes, if you have just run out of your face cream, never as a routine. The skin of the face has different needs than the skin of the rest of the body, so you must have a specific cream for each area. This is not to say that you can’t dab body lotion on your face once in a while, but you should never pick it up as part of your beauty routine.

Why you should have a specific cream for the face and another for the body

The cream we use for the body is called corporal and it can be for dry, oily or combination skin. However, the one we use for the face, we can choose between nourishing, moisturizing, anti-aging, rejuvenating or for dry or oilskin. There are also face creams to use during the day or at night. That is why it is not very advisable to use the same cream for everything. Get a moisturizing body for after the shower, a facial for the day and another for the night.

How to care for facial skin

  1. We then have that in a hurry we can use the body cream for. But the most appropriate thing is to have a specific one for facial skin and that has the properties that each one needs. To have a careful, healthy and beautiful face, you must be constant and follow these tips:
  2. It’s about choosing the right cream for each one’s needs, using it every day and applying it well. It is not a matter of buying the most expensive on the market, but of using it daily and doing it well. To do this, remove, do your daily beauty routine and finally spread the facial cream carefully. To do this, warm the cream in the palm of your hands and gently massage starting from the chin, avoiding the area of ​​​​the eye contour. Here, if necessary, you should apply another specific cream for the perfect care of the area. If you are going to put on make-up, you better wait a few seconds for the cream to take effect and put on make-up as you always do.
  3. Is it necessary to put the moisturizer day and night? Yes of course. It is essential to achieve adequate skin hydration, especially when it comes to that has reached maturity or that tends to be dry or very dry. If you choose a daytime facial cream that protects you from the sun and other external factors, and a nighttime one that helps regenerate skin cells, the entire better.
  4. Now you know why you should have and a body cream according to your needs, and especially to the characteristics of your specific skin type. The result, healthy, beautiful and perfectly hydrated skin.

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