How to keep young and perfect hands

Our hands are our showcase, they reveal the passage of time and how we have taken care of our skin. Their main element of aggression is the soap they receive with daily washing, but also, it is one of the few parts of our body that are always exposed: to cold, heat, radiation from the sun, friction, contact with surfaces, bacteria, etc. For this reason, they are subjected to attacks on a daily basis that damage andagethem.A Jewish doctor was the first to recognize the importance of hand washing as a preventative of disease. In fact, frequent hand washing is recommended (before eating, after going to the bathroom, after touching animals, etc…). This figure is even higher in certain groups: food handlers, healthcare personnel, hairdressers, etc… Premature aging of the skin of the hands

is frequent. These are the part of the body with which we exercise the sense of touch the most. The palms of the hands have a low number of sweat and sebaceous glands. For all these reasons, they need special care: nourishing and regenerating active ingredients, as well as the use of neutral soaps for hygiene.

Hand cream with natural assets

  1. There are many creams to protect our hands, some more effectively than others. One of our recommendations is the Planet System BIO range (4.90 euros), a hand cream formulated with 99% natural ingredients. Provides the nourishing, moisturizing and softening active ingredients that hands need to stay young and always perfect.
  2. Among the natural assets that it includes, the Shea Butter stands out. In Africa, the Karité tree is considered sacred; it cannot be cut or damaged. The butter obtained from its fruits is used as food and also as a remedy for multiple diseases. Its properties for theskin,Now proven, they are: moisturizing, softening and protective thanks to their composition: unsaponifiables and vitamins A, D, E, F.
  3. In addition, this hand cream is composed of Sesame Oil , a vegetable oil derived from sesame seeds (called sesame) used in food and cosmetics for its interesting properties. It is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega 6), Zinc and vitamin E. Ideal for skin nutrition and healing. Another component is beeswax, secreted by young worker bees; it has multiple vitamins which make it highly appreciated in cosmetics. It has a softening effect on the skin, as well as being nourishing and astringent.

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