How to choose your facial cream: 4 tips that you should take VERY into account

You follow a daily beauty routine that consists of washing your face with mild soap and water, applying the serum, the eye contour, and the face cream. And it is in this last step that we stop, do you know how to choose your face cream? The one your best friend uses may not be the most suitable for you or you. So pay attention to these tips that you should keep VERY in mind. Leave doubts once and for all!

Expert tips to choose the perfect facial cream for you

Find out what your skin type is like, take a good look at the ingredients that the face cream has and try it to see if it is the most suitable for your face. Choosing the moisturizer for your face will be easier than ever. Let’s see it!

1 Know what your skin type is like

The first and most important thing that you have to take into account before choosing this or that face cream is specifically what your skin type is like. If it is fat, it tends to dry out with changes in temperature or it can be defined as mixed, that is, it has dry areas and other fats. Once you are clear about your own needs, opt for a cream that can cover them all.

Normal skin? If you have resistant skin, which tolerates most ingredients and allergens, you can choose from a wide variety of creams. If it is sensitive, you will have to go to the line of specific moisturizing creams for this type of skin.

2 How old is your skin?

Once we have reached the age of 25, expression lines begin to appear. Between the ages of 30 and 40, the facial cream should also include a preventive treatment for wrinkles, and from the age of 40, a cream should be chosen to slow down skin aging and correct the signs of aging. Surely now you understand why we asked you before how old is the skin on your face. In this sense, it is necessary to differentiate between the chronological age, the one that marks your ID, and the biological one, that is, the one that you appear to be. The latter is the important one, and it will depend on your exposure, the lifestyle you have led.

3 What do you want the face cream for?

To hydrate, nourish and protect facial skin. A cream occludes the active ingredients of a skin booster or serum, so it is highly recommended for dry and photo-aged skin to use a cream after the serum or skin.

In addition, a personalized diagnosis should be made, as it is the key to success in the treatments. For example, 25-year-old skin cannot use creams with ingredients for 50-year-old skin. Conscious beauty is one in which one becomes aware of their needs from her and creates suitable routines to achieve results.

4 The ingredients and assets of the face cream

  • Once we are clear about the previous premises, it is time to see the assets and ingredients that the cream has. As for assets, they are the agents that will help you achieve your goal. In a cream, the active ingredients are as important as the penetration vehicle that facilitates the absorption of these active ingredients. For example, if the assets are microencapsulated, or with a liquid crystal structure, it will penetrate much better through the pores of the skin. We should understand the reading of the ingredients that appears on the packaging.
  • The ingredients, ordered from highest to lowest concentration, must be clear and understandable and explain all the components that the contains. Make a very simple comparison, read the label of a cream with a high price and another with a more reasonable price. Does the composition vary a lot from one to another? You have to be well informed before choosing and spending your money, don’t you think?
  • By the way, if you are going to use your facial cream during the day, the ingredients must include SPF factor 15 for winter and higher for summer. This is how you will be protected from solar ultraviolet radiation. It is also recommended a cream that contains some antioxidant, which also protects from cell oxidation and computer screens.
  • Remember that the expiration date is not required to appear on the cream, if the product lasts for more than 30 months. You should look at the PAO, which is the figure of the jar that appears on the packaging. It is important to understand that if you read the numbers 6, 9 and 12 it means that the cream, once, should be kept for up to 6, 9 and 12 months respectively.
  • You should also take into account the conservation of the cream. It is important to keep it at room temperature, less than 30º, and keep it out of direct and humid light. And, of course, wear it every day. Remember that if you combine it with skin boosters, the effect will be potentially better.

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