How to choose the right facial sunscreen: tips according to your skin type

We must always, especially when we are exposed to the sun. Although it is true that it is always necessary to take care of the face, also in winter, although the incidence of the sun seems less. Why must we do it? Very simple, we must prevent aging and skin cancer, among many other things, and for this, sun protection creams are crucial. For this reason, it is important to choose the one that best suits our specific characteristics and according to the climate in which we find ourselves or the country in which we live.

To know how to choose a suitable sunscreen, the first thing we must know is something called prototype. The prototype refers to the physical characteristics that make a person more or less sensitive to light or the sun’s rays, so they will need a different level of protection for their skin. We give you some essential tips for your choice, take note!

Different photo types to choose the right sun cream for you

As we said, the prototype is a set of physical characteristics of the person, among which the skin tone, hair color and eye color stand out. These traits are key to knowing first-hand the prototype of your skin. There are six different photo types, which you should read to find out later which and choose the sun cream that best suits you. Let’s talk about them below:

Phototype 1

They are people characterized by being redheaded, with blue eyes and light skin. They always tend when they sunbathe and never tan, so they must be especially careful.

Phototype 2

People whose prototype is 2 usually have blonde hair, light eyes (both blue and green) and fair skin. They tend to burn with the sun’s rays, but unlike the previous ones, they so slightly.

Phototype 3

People with prototype 3 usually have blonde hair, brown or hazel eyes, and fair skin. They can burn moderately when they sunbathe, but they.

Prototype 4

People with dark brown hair, dark eyes and brown skin are those who belong to this prototype 4. They rarely burn and tend to so very easily.

Phototype 5

If you have black hair and eyes, as well as brown skin, your prototype is number 5. Like the previous prototype, these people rarely burn and tend easily.

Phototype 6

This type of phototype corresponds to people, whose hair is black, as well as their eyes and skin. They always tan and never burn.

What sun cream is best for each phototype?

  • Sunscreens are recommended, and SPF 30 for the last three photo types. Being a little more precise, we can say that skin with photo types 1, 2 and 3 needs a fairly high or medium sunscreen since they have fair skin, so they tend to be more sensitive to the sun’s rays, especially when they are treating the face
  • For the last three photo types (4, 5 and 6) the protection is much less, with a factor 30 it would be worth it. The reason is that having slightly darker skin, brown or black, tend to burn much less.
  • In any case, whatever your skin prototype, you need to take care of yourself throughout the year (also in winter). Facial sunscreen, in addition to protecting us from UVA rays and other radiation, provides us with vitamins C and E, as well as antioxidants. They also tend to have a quite suitable texture for the face, which makes these creams indispensable companions.
  • Regarding the characteristics, both in summer and winter, we must emphasize that it is essential that it have a higher protection factor than that of the rest of the body. It is also necessary that it be resistant to water and, of course, that it protects from UVA rays. You must take all these factors into account before deciding to choose a brand or product, remember that protection is key at all times. And remember what your prototype is, because the cream that suits your best friend may not be the best for you.

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