Homemade rose tonic recipe

Varieties of natural roses rank as the most fragrant flowers, while the hybrids invented by botanists enhanced the beauty of their appearance and color, sacrificing that sweet and soft smell of their ancestors.However, there are still many varieties of roses in their natural state that we find in orchards and gardens and precisely those are the ideal ones to make some of the types of tonic that I propose below.

Rose and vinegar tonic

  • Take 50 grams of fresh rose petals and put them in a pot in which you are boiling 2 and a half cups of water, also add two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. Cover the container, let it rest for a couple of hours and finally filter through a very fine strainer.
  • This toner is ideal for the care of any type of skin, especially dry skin; it closes the pores and leaves it soft and luminous. If you keep it in the fridge, you will combine its moisturizing effect with its refreshing and decongestant effect.

Rose water toner

  1. Take the petals of 3 roses, preferably red, and boil them in a liter of water for 5 minutes. Let it cool and then filter it. Add an alcohol dropper to it and use it to your liking, preferably after bathing.
  2. This toner is effective for a week.

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