Five steps to enhance the effect of reducing creams

Appearance has become in these times an obsession for many women, and also men, which is why reducing creams are increasingly in demand. The most sought after creams in the markets are those that contain:

– L-carnitine, which helps to metabolize fat;

– Caffeine, which improves micro-circulation and manages to reduce accumulated fat

– Fucus, a seaweed rich in amino acids, vitamins and minerals that accelerates cell metabolism and helps eliminate toxic waste, and gotu kola, which helps reduce cellulite, improves collagen, activates circulation, and is recommended in varicose vein treatments.

Enhance the effect of reducing creams

But it is not enough to apply the cream and that’s it, it is important to know that to optimize your results you must combine the cosmetic method with a healthy diet and a constant physical routine. We have talked about diet and exercise on other occasions, so now I will address the five steps that allow you to enhance the effect of the slimming cream.

1- Exfoliation: a good opportunity is during the shower with a suitable glove.

2- Apply circular massages: After a regenerating bath, lie on your back, apply the cream and with both hands perform circular massages on your abdomen, sliding your hands from the navel to the hip, 10 times on each side.

3- Apply massages in the form of eight: In the same position, apply the massaging cream all over the abdomen, drawing successive numbers 8 with your hand. Repeat ten times on each side.

4- Gentle pinches: this action of compressing the adipose tissue with the thumb and forefinger pincers helps fight cellulite. Repeat them several times.

5- Knead the area: this is perhaps the most difficult to perform since it is about literally kneading the area as if it were a bread, pizza or cookie base. The more times you manage to do it, the better the effect of the cream will be and the easier it will be to master the technique for subsequent exercises as well.

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