False myths about skin: anti-wrinkle creams do nothing

Much has been said about anti-wrinkle creams and their effectiveness. Some claimed that they were not useful and others, however, that they were the only simple and cheap way to smooth skin aging. Neither side was right, but they weren’t wrong either. Thanks to a study carried out in the United Kingdom, it has been discovered that anti-wrinkle creams contain a miraculous ingredient called: Matrixyl. This cans double the amount of collagen protein, which favors skin elasticity. Perhaps facial aging is inevitable, but adding some elasticity to your face is not.

Wrinkle Creams and Their Miracle Ingredient Matrixyl

  1. The myth that affirmed that anti-wrinkle creams do nothing is over. Thanks to the amount of Matrixyl substance that some of these products contain, it has been shown that they are effective. What are they? Due to the high level of concentrate of this chemical substance that can double the natural amount that our organism produces of collagen protein. This protein is responsible for providing elasticity to our skin, which makes it look young and bright. Therefore, with creams like this we will achieve a rejuvenated appearance, as long as the chemical concentrate is high.
  2. In any case, we must be aware that miracles do not exist and no matter how many creams we apply, if we do not take care of our skin every day, we will not achieve any results. How can we avoid facial aging? Physical exercise is essential for a healthy state, in all its senses. As is the diet, eating without excesses and everything will always provide us with better health. In addition, we must avoid the consumption of alcohol and tobacco; they are harmful to our external and internal appearance.
  3. The sun is not a good ally for the skin either, so we must protect ourselves well from it so as not to obtain a negative result. So we come back to creams, not only anti-wrinkle, but all kinds. Nourishing and hydrating ourselves is very important, that’s why we have to use appropriate creams for our skin, so we will achieve a tenth result.

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