Ecological alum mineral deodorant

It is said that since the glorious days of the Roman Empire, aromatic pads were used in the armpits to combat the bad odor characteristic of that area of ​​the body. The Romans used the alum mineral for its healing and bactericidal qualities, and used it as an ecological deodorant. Alum is a natural mineral, prized since ancient times, which is now being rediscovered as an ancient miracle remedy for skin irritations and body odor.Four centuries in oblivion and now the scientific community revives it after having continued to investigate its properties in different areas of natural medicine. But it was not until the 19th century that deodorant was invented and its use became widespread only after the end of World War II.

The armpits require special attention as their skin is thin and poorly ventilated. It is populated by sweat glands in which the bacteria that generate that indiscreet and strong odor that generally appears in adolescence and have the same incidence in men and women reproduces rapidly. To remove it, just a little soap and water and a little deodorant, of which there are infinite types on the market, especially Those that do or do not contain alcohol, antiperspirants and natural ones., which are gaining more followers every day and are made with skin-protecting ingredients, including alum.

Advantages of alum deodorant

The alum mineral occurs in nature in the form of a water-soluble crystalline salt, a property thanks to which the skin, that organ that protects us, benefits from its antibacterial and healing qualities. It destroys the bacteria responsible for bad odors and forms a thin protective layer, allowing the skin to breathe.
Until now, many people use it in its original form that is, passing a previously moistened alum stone over the skin. However, much more convenient and practical forms of application are expected to be commercialized soon.

Other advantages of alum mineral as a deodorant are:

  • It has a natural bactericidal effect, without antiperspirants
  • It has astringent properties so it can be applied after shaving
  • It does not contain alcohol or perfume
  • Indicated for sensitive skin
  • Effective throughout the day
  • It does not contain aluminum
  • It does not leave stains on the skin or on clothes

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