
Facial cream for every problem on the face: wrinkles, dermatitis, oily skin…

To properly treat our skin, the most important thing is to know what conditions it suffers from. Aesthetic-facial problems are divided into two main areas: On the one hand, there are pathologies (acne, dermatitis, psoriasis and sensitive skin with redness) and on the other, blemishes, aesthetic problems such as wrinkles, flaccidity, spots. As a skin does not usually

Facial cream for every problem on the face: wrinkles, dermatitis, oily skin… Read More »

Five steps to enhance the effect of reducing creams

Appearance has become in these times an obsession for many women, and also men, which is why reducing creams are increasingly in demand. The most sought after creams in the markets are those that contain: – L-carnitine, which helps to metabolize fat; – Caffeine, which improves micro-circulation and manages to reduce accumulated fat – Fucus, a seaweed rich in amino acids,

Five steps to enhance the effect of reducing creams Read More »

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