Can last year’s sunscreen be used?

It is very important to protect the skin from the sun’s rays in summer. But don’t think that you should only use sunscreen if you go to the beach or the pool; you should also use it if you are going to walk around the city. Always choose a quality sunscreen with a factor of at least 30 and repeat the application after two hours. All of these tips that we have already told you on more than one occasion, but that it is worth remembering, especially when summer reaches its halfway point and we tend to relax when it comes to these precautions.

What you may not know yet is whether last year’s sunscreen can be used. You from the previous year at home, of good quality and the bottle is half full, you feel sorry to throw it away but you are not very sure if it is good for your skin to use it after all winter, “what if it has lost Is it effective and my skin is damaged? You think… Don’t worry, here are the answers.

The summer question: Can you use last year’s protector?

So, can I use the leftover sun cream from last summer? The answer is yes, as long as you meet the following requirements:

  1. That you have stored it in a closed closet or drawer and that you have kept it in a cool, dry place away from high temperatures. This means that if you left it in the bathroom cabinet, for example, its qualities must be optimal. The Organization of Consumers and Users (OCU) declared this after having tested different brands of sunscreen.
  2. That the sunscreen container does not say otherwise or that the expiration date has passed. This is not usually the case, but there is some sun cream that indicates on the packaging that it should not be used once certain months have elapsed after opening. So, of course, you always have to read the product label and take into account the expiration date of the product.
  3. That the sunscreen is in good condition. If, when you go to put on the cream that you had left over from the previous year, you see that it is in perfect condition, you can use it with complete confidence, if, on the contrary, you notice that the color, smell or texture have changed, the best thing to do is Do not use it and buy a new one for.
  4. Now we can only remind you that you should look at the expiration date of the product and the number of months that it can remain open without spoiling. On the other hand, do not forget to avoid exposing yourself to the sun during the central hours of the day; Remember to use other physical protectors such as sunglasses, hats and beach umbrellas.

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