
Facial cream for every problem on the face: wrinkles, dermatitis, oily skin…

To properly treat our skin, the most important thing is to know what conditions it suffers from. Aesthetic-facial problems are divided into two main areas: On the one hand, there are pathologies (acne, dermatitis, psoriasis and sensitive skin with redness) and on the other, blemishes, aesthetic problems such as wrinkles, flaccidity, spots. As a skin does not usually

Facial cream for every problem on the face: wrinkles, dermatitis, oily skin… Read More »

To prevent the appearance of wrinkles, start by properly hydrating your skin.

The increase in demand, by today’s society, for new formulas to maintain and preserve a youthful appearance requires research and development of innovative technologies and aesthetic treatments. The practice of continuous exercise and a balanced diet are essential to maintain it but, according to the results obtained from a European survey promoted by Allergan, adequate

To prevent the appearance of wrinkles, start by properly hydrating your skin. Read More »

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