Aloe Vera: from Cleopatra to modern cosmetics

The benefits of aloe Vera or aloe Vera, as it is also known, have been known for more than three thousand years and that is why and because of its ability to adapt to any type of soil, it has spread throughout the world to the luck of humans. And especially women.This plant is one of the most used for healing purposes. There are more than 200 species native to eastern and southern Africa. Its healing properties were already mentioned in some ancient Egyptian papyri and it is known that the beautiful Cleopatra included Aloe in the mythical cosmetic creams and balms that seduced Marcus Aurelius himself and part of the Roman Army he led.

The benefits of aloe Vera or aloe Vera

  • It belongs to the Liliaceous family, it is a perennial plant, herbaceous in nature, whose fleshy leaves, inserted in a tight spiral, end in sharp points and with thorny edges, a typical morphology of the vegetation of arid regions, which gives it a High resistance to lack of water. The so-called crystal is extracted from the inside of its leaves, which is a crystalline substance with a pungent and unpleasant odor but rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, C, E and folic acid. It also contains minerals, digestive enzymes, essential amino acids and polysaccharides that stimulate tissue growth and cell regeneration.
  • Laxative, antibiotic, detoxifying, purifying and anti-inflammatory properties have been found in this gelatinous substance of aloe Vera.
  • Aloe Vera is especially effective in cases of gastric ulcers, hemorrhoids, pelvic infections, and liver and gallbladder conditions, largely due to its healing and anti-inflammatory action, proven potential in its topical use for skin protection, acne and the treatment of burns.
  • The juice must be obtained by cold pressing the pulp or “crystal” and its applications are widely used in the cure of oral conditions, due to its bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties, which in the form of gargles or rinses contribute to rapid improvement in cases of gingivitis, pyorrhea, thrush, laryngitis, tonsillitis and pharyngitis.
  • It is also very beneficial for the repopulation of colon flora and the normalization of intestinal function; while its topical application allows you to face skin conditions such as insect bites, sunburns or chemicals.
  • Its easy cultivation means that we can have it available in our patios or terraces. If you need it, just carefully cut one of the leaves, always as close to the stem as possible. Peel the aloe Vera with a very sharp knife and keep only the glass. Chop it in small portions, according to the use it will give it, and store them in the freezer in a very clean glass jar and use them little by little.
  • As its action is varied, you can cut the crystal in the form of suppositories or vaginal suppositories, and thus it will be easier to apply for hemorrhoids or pelvic inflammations respectively. On the contrary, if it is a gastric ulcer, the recommended portions are one square centimeter in the shape of a dice, and if they are skin disorders, the fragments should be finer but of variable size, so that they cover the entire lesion.
  • Another way to use aloe Vera is to beat the entire leaf, with a little water, in a blender and then strain it. It is put to cool and it is taken in small portions according to the disorders that present, if they are of a digestive type, a large spoonful is good at least three times a day. In cases of acne, this lotion is applied with the fingertips all over the face.
  • This same form of preparation works like a natural shampoo that will revitalize your scalp.

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